We want to update you about the latest UK Government advice related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

On 23 March, the UK Government directed that people must stay at home apart from essential travel or they may face penalties. This came into effect immediately and includes all non-essential travel within the UK. The UK Government has also issued further guidance to businesses and premises to close.

Following the rules set by the government we are CLOSED pending further instructions from the UK government.

You CAN still contact us through our website and we WILL be answering messages.


With the Coronavirus spreading and cases appearing in the UK we have to implement precautions to protect our staff and other customers in the studio.

Some of the symptoms of Coronavirus are as follows:

– A Cough
– High Temperature
– Shortness Of Breath

The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.

As a studio we have a very strict cleaning regime that we adhere to on a daily basis, however we will require customers to respect the below precautions:

The protocol we are implementing to avoid spreading Coronavirus are as follows:

1. Do NOT bring anyone with you to your tattoo or piercing appointment. If you do they WILL be turned away. (Other than minors who will require a parent for piercing).

2. If you are unwell and have any symptoms of illness, MESSAGE or CALL the studio to re arrange your appointment (you will NOT lose your deposit).

3. If you turn up to your appointment and you are unwell you WILL be turned away and you WILL lose your deposit.

4. If you have been in contact with someone with Coronavirus (even if you have no symptoms) please do not attend your appointment or come to the studio UNTIL you are given the all clear.

5. Customers in our studio will be required to wash their hands upon entering and exiting the studio.

6. Customers getting tattooed or pierced will be asked NOT to leave a designated area.

Other useful tips:

Make sure you eat regular meals, take multi vitamins if needed and get plenty of rest to help your body have the energy to fight any virus off.

Please respect our staff and other customers as some of them have very young children or elderly relatives.

If we act accordingly and cautiously we can operate as normal :).

– The Traditional Values Team –

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